Tuesday, December 7, 2010


The first step for protein purification is to obtain a solution of proteins usually by disrupting cells or tissues. The chopped material must be suspended in a buffer and large debris are removed by filtration through a cheesecloth. Proteins will be dissolved in the buffer solution. All this first obtention step must be done at a temperature of 0 to 4°C, to minimize protein degradation by the activity of proteases (enzymes that cleave peptide bonds).
The next step is a relatively crude separation called fractionation that makes use of the different solubilities proteins have in solutions of salts. Ammonium sulfate is a protein-stabilizing salt, it is mixed with the solution of proteins to precipitate the less soluble impurities. The target protein, more soluble is recovered by centrifugation and remains in the supernatant. More amonium sulfate is added untill the desired protein is precipitated.
Once the precipitated protein is suspended in a small volume the salty buffer can be exchanged by dialysis. The sample is placed in a cellophane sack that is a semipermeable membrane inside a large volume of the wanted buffer solution. The proteins are too big to escape the sack but the salt dilutes into the larger buffer by diffusion.
The sample is ready now to go into a column chromatography. A cylindrical column is filled with an insoluble matrix often consisting of substituted cellulose fibers or beads of synthetic resin.
A protein mixture is applied to the column and washed through the matrix by the addition of solvent. The rate at which proteins travel through the matrix depends on interactions between matrix and protein. The concentration of protein in each fraction of the eluate can be determined by measuring the spectrometric absorbance at 280 nm (the absorbtion wavelenght of tyrosine and tryptophan and neutral pH)
Several types of chromatography are classified according to the type of matrix:
  • Ion-exchange chromatography

  • Gel-filtration chromatography

  • Affinity chromatography

  • High pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC)

    Electrophoresis separates proteins based on their migration in an electrical field. In polyacrilamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) the protein sample is placed in a highly cross-linked gel and an electric field is applied. The proteins migrates according to both their mass and charge.
    A modification of the standard electrophoresis technique uses the negatively charged detergent sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) to overwhelm the native charge on proteins so that they separate only on the basis of their mass. SDS-PAGE is used to assess the purity and to estimate the molecular weight of a protein. The sample can be treated before with 2-mercaptoethanol and heat to break any disulfide bonds and denature (unfold) the proteins.
    A modified form of electrophoresis is "isoelectric focusing" where a pH gradient is made along the matrix so the proteins migrate untill they reach their isoelectric point (they balance their charges) and stop there.

    The EDMAN degradation procedure determines the sequence of amino acid residues.
    First, the peptide bonds (that's covalent) of the protein are cleaved by acid hydrolysis, typically using 6M HCl at 110°C for 16 to 72 hours.
    Next the hydrolyzed mixture, or hydrolysate, is subjected to a chromatopraphic procedure during which each amino acid is separated and quantitated a process called amino acid analysis.
    One method of amino acid analysis involves treatment of the protein hydrolysate with phenylisothiocyanate (PITC) at pH 9. to generate PTC-amino acid derivatives. The PTC-amino acid mixture is then subjected to HPLC in a column of finely divided silica to which short hydrocarbon chains have been attached. The amino acids are separated by the hydrophobic properties of their side chain. In each elution the concentration is determined by the absorbance at 254 nm (the peak absorbance of the PTC moiety)
    Pehr Edman developed a technique that permits sequential removal and identification of one residue at a time from the N-terminus of a protein.
    The Edman degradation procedure involves treating a protein or polypeptide with phenylisothiocyanate (PITC), also known as the Edman reagent at pH 9. PITC reacts under these conditions with the N-terminus of the chain to form a PITC-peptide. When the PITC-peptide is treated with an anhydrous acid, such as trifluoretic acid, the peptide bond of the N-terminus is selectively cleaved releasing the residue that needs to be treated again to finally be converted into a PTH-amino acid that can be identified chromatographically, usually by HPLC.


    Folding and stabilization of globular proteins depend on a variety of interactions including; hydrophobic effect, hydrogen bridge, Van der Waals interactions and ionic interactions.
    Although noncovalent interaction are individually weak, the sum of these interactions stabilizes the native shapes of proteins. Furthermore, the weakness of each non-covalent interaction gives proteins the flexibility to undergo small conformational changes needed for their functioning.
    The hydrophobic effect is the principal driving force in protein folding. Then hydrogen bonds help to stabilize the native conformation of proteins. The carbonyl and amide groups of the polypeptide backbone, especially those in the interior of globular proteins, often form hydrogen bridges with each other to produce apha-helices and beta-sheets. The following hydrogen bonds can be formed beside the previously mentioned:

    From strongest to weakest:
    Hydroxyl-hydroxyl: O-H:::::O-H
    Hydroxyl-carbonyl: O-H:::::O=C
    Amide-carbonyl: N-H::::::O=C
    Amide-hydroxyl: N-H:::::::O-H
    Amide-imidazole nitrogen: N-H::::::::N from a cycle

    There are four levels of protein folding:

  • Primary structure is the sequence of covalently linked amino acid residues

  • Secondary structure is any regularity in local conformation.

  • Tertiary structure is the biologically active, three-dimensional structure of an entire polypeptide.

  • Quaternary structure is the organization of two or more polypeptide chains into a multi-subunit protein.

    Theoretically, an -helix might be right-handed or left-handed, but for L-amino acid residues, the left-handed conformation is destabilized by steric interference between carbonyl oxygens and side chains.
    Within an -helix, each carbonyl oxygen residue "n" is hydrogen bonded to the -amino nitrogen of residue "n+4".
    An -helix
    Note that the intrahelical hydrogen bonds are nearly parallel to the long axis of the helix, with the carbonyl groups all pointing toward the C-terminus end. Although a single intrahelical hydrogen bond would not provide appreciable structural stability, the cumulative effect of many hydrogen bonds within an -helix stabilizes this conformation, especially in hydrophobic regions within the interior of a protein where water molecules do not compete for hydrogen bonds.

    The B sheet consist of extended polypeptide chains (called B strands) stabilized by hydrogen bonds between carbonyl oxygens and amide hydrogens.
    An anti-parallel beta hairpin
    Such hydrogen bonds are nearly perpendicular to the extended polypeptide chain, which may either be parallel or antiparallel. Although extended, the B sheet is not absolutely planar but slightly pleated due to the bond angles between peptide groups. The side chains points alternatively above and below the plane of the sheet.

    Supersecondary structure, also called motifs, consist of various combinations of secondary structure. Supersecondary structure may have a particular function or simply occurs as part of a larger functional unit called domains.
    Some common supersecondary structures are: The -loop-,the beta--beta unit,the hairpin and the greek key that is like a double hairpin (one inside the other.
    -loop- is an example of a motif.
    An barrel can serve as a channel through biological membranes

    This beta barrels is an example of a funtional domain. It is made of both sheets and helixes and beta--beta unit.
    Examples of domains, that are made of supersecondary structures are the beta meander, the barrel and the alpha-beta barrel.

    Funtional domain properties is given by its exposed amino acids side chains. This is the electrostatic image of an E.coli protein that shows a very static side and a non polar one.

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